Friday, August 9, 2013

The Rudolf Analogy

Do you ever feel like this?
Like there's something goin on with you that makes you stick out like a sore thumb?
Because of your issue(s), you assume that you don't "fit in" anymore.
You are different.
And no matter what people try to tell you, you are convinced that you don't fit in.

I feel like that sometimes.

But more often than not, this is how I feel:

That huge schnozz is a representation of the character trait/gift/flaw that I use to define who I am.

Then I discover that the schnozz is hindering me. Getting in the way. Not allowing me to be truly happy, making my life harder.

So I need to take it off.


Who will I be without it!?
Is it really that big a deal?
Can't I get better still, just work around it?


Change is scary, but it is also how we become like Heavenly Father.

Change is the Lord's Way, so shall it be mine.

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