Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I <3 Rain

Today I discovered a new friend to add to the party. We have Ralph and Rosie, now I'm thrilled to introduce you to....


Let me explain how we met. Today Miss Cathy had me stand on one side of her rug and say aloud something tht Ralph would say. Then I went to the other end of the rug and would say something true. 

I didn't recognize the good voice at first, but she had plenty to say. She's really really smart. 

I realized that if I really wanted to get to know her, I ought to give her a name. 

The answer came quite quickly. I've always been obsessed with and wished that my name was Rain. I aspire to embody the confidence and understanding that this voice has...so it was a no brainer.

I highly recommend this exercise. You may feel a little silky at first, but it's extemely helpful and entertaining!

On the Ralph side I said-
"You feel like crud right now. This is how it's always gonna be. Really, you should just curl up and sleep all day. Your life sucks and it always will."
Then Rain gets to have her say-
"This too shall pass. Just because you hurt for a minute or hour or day does not mean that it's over!! You will move past this and keep on trucking, just like you always have."

Isn't she so wise???

I <heart> Rain!


  1. Uh... this made me cry. In the best sort of way. I love Rain too!

  2. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151655862358300&set=a.10151598456178300.1073741827.10141208299&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

    you will love it!
