Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Quirks + Validation = Ahh Yaaaa!

So I'm laying here with my buddy Noah the Moon Bear. (Srsly, coolest guy ever, but I digress.) And I decide to write a blog, I start to get the creative juices flowing when....ALAKAZAM! A song came on my Spotify that totes inspired me.  I can't figure out how to go back but I think it was called "I'm Me" by Willow someone or other. 

Anywho, the whole song was a message to the world about being happy with yourself and accepting others for who they are.

These sound like redundant, simple concepts right?


It's an issue broham!!!! Why do you think we have so many problems in this world??? Cause people are unhappy with themselves! So they do cray cray loco things!!!

Therefore, in the spirit of feeling awesome about  who I's time for a list!

Things That Make Me...Me!

•I have voices in my head! (Ie. Ralph, Rosie and Rain)
•I love to name things! (Inanimate objects.)
•All my body parts have boy names.
•I believe in true love. Though sometimes I get bitter and act like I don't. And that's okay.
•I make my bed at night, right before I get into it.
•Sometimes my hair looks like milk chocolate and I have an innate desire to eat it.
•I just looked up the word innate to insure that I used it correctly.
•I love reading Wikipedia. If I know I'll never see a movie or read a book (cause I can tell it's naughty) I just read the entire synopsis on the aforementioned site.
•Using words like aforementioned and innate, make me feel smart and stuff. (It's great fun to pretend that I'm an intellectual.)
•I find bodily functions to be HYSTERICAL, therefore I am very open about such things.
•I have the bladder of a small child. (See previous item) I ALWAYS have to pee!

By golly that was amusing! Don't be afraid to love and accept yourself, quirks and all!!! Make a list, laugh at and admire yourself!

It's a good time.

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