Thursday, August 22, 2013

Challenge Accepted

This morning I woke up to a comment from my Aunt Pooh challenging myself and all my humans (that means you) to make a list of the things I love about myself. (Or yourself, though if you want to make a list of why you love me too that's totes approps!!)

So here goes....

Things That Natalie Rose Loves About Natalie Rose

•I love humans. A lot. And I enjoy showing that love.
•Listening to others is fun for me.
•The fact that I'm not tone deaf is an insurmountable blessing today.
•Today someone asked me how long I've been singing and my mom said "When she was two, she could sing 'I Am A Child of God'" Yeah that makes a girl feel good.
•My ability to make ugly/creepy faces.
•The fact that I'm very open and confident about...lots of things.
•Mah hurr. Ees lyke chocolate!!!
•The fact that I was somewhat good at my new job today! That was nice!
•Creativity and ability to have fun.
•My faith and testimony.
Lets be real, this list could go on I'll stop here.

Do this. Do it now. You deserve it.


  1. I love Natalie because:
    She is BRAVE!
    She has a big heart!
    After years of my own therapy I still can learn from her!
    She is warm, kind, and loving!
    She is beautiful inside and out!

  2. I love Natalie because she is so cheerful! You always have a happy countenance and I love that you embrace what ever I see come your way. I struggle with Anxiety really bad. I had a thought a few weeks ago that has calmed my mind immensely. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path. Prov. 3:5-6 When we put our trust in the Lord Satan can not have power over us. You are amazing Natalie and a great example to me. Love ya!
