Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No One Ever

Those times when you lay down to sleep, and you get so anxious and panicky that you feel like you're gonna explode. I love those times. 

Said no one ever.

So in an effort to distract myself (that's what Miss Kathy did for an hour today, asked me questions to distract me,) I'm going to make a list.

Good Things That Are Happening:
•I ran five miles nonstop last week. (The longest I've ever ran previously was like two.)
•During rehearsals for the show I'm in, everyone and their dog acts like the director. It makes me nuts. Well an email just went out to the entire cast reminding everyone who the director is. PRAISE BE!
•I started assisting Miss Jenee with her music classes this week. I get paid to sing!!!! #bestjobever
•Juan Pablo is living and breathing. Any human woman with eyes knows what a happy happening this is.
•I'm all hip and such with my brand spankin new twitter account.
•I'm wearing my soft new nightgown!
•Mom's birthday is this weekend, and thanks to Jenee, I can buy her a present!
Alright. Sleep attempt: round 2, go!

1 comment:

  1. Forget whatever show you're in and come be in The Producers!!! =)
