Having a mental health issue is about as common as needing to use the restroom. This is where I record my journey in hopes that someone else may find hope and validation as they travel through theirs.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
I've oft likened my journey over the past 18 months unto that of a roller coaster. For several weeks in a row I felt like I was coasting on an endless low point. I was having almost the same amount of panic attacks as I did on the mission. (Fun fact: I deal with them much quicker and more effectively than I did then.) But I was in a constant schlump, punctuated by despair and panic. Not the ish. Not at all.
Something had to give.
It became apparent that I needed to make a change. As far as I could tell, there were two choices:
1. Get back on psych meds
2. Start working out consistently again
I was not jazzed. Don't get me wrong, for some humans, their "small and simple thing that makes great things come to pass" is a bottle of pills prescribed by someone who knows their ish. But I went that route for 8 months and all I got was horrible side effects that made my life harder.
So Mr. T and I decided that I should try to improve my self-care first and see if that made a difference.
After only a week and a half of exercising for 30 minutes a day to the point of sweating (that part is crucial) 5 times a week, I went from several panic attacks a day to a few a week.
Now whether or not this change can be attributed to the physiological effects of exercise or the effects of making and keeping a commitment to myself, I'm not sure. Probably a combination of both.
Change is a funny thing. It comes fast, slow, suddenly, over time...but it always comes.
That used to terrify me.
Now it gives me hope.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Something Beautiful
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
I Believe
I believe in the lost possibilities you can see
‘Cause I have been where you are before
And I have felt the pain of losing who you are
And I have died so many times, but I am still alive
I wish that you could see your scars turn into beauty
I believe that today it’s okay to be not okay
Saturday, September 6, 2014
You Have the Answers
Monday, August 4, 2014
Dang it! Be NICE!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Chalk It Up
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Learned Things I Have
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Your Voice Will Set You Free
Monday, April 7, 2014
A Day of Birth
Monday, March 31, 2014
Happy Panicversary
SJ and the Invisible Force
As you know, SJ (Sister Johnson, my greenie) and I were at the YW's broadcast when I first started to panic. The building this was being held at was in Woodbridge CT, a good 30 minute drive from our home of Clinton. I was the designated driver so SJ had never driven back East. However, after I started to lose it there was no way I was going to be able to get us home safely. SJ was terrified. We said a prayer before we left the building and I curled up on the front seat, with the window down trying to clear my head.
SJ is a great driver, but it had been awhile and this was all new to her. She'd also never used a GPS before. We did okay until we were on the freeway and kept getting off at the wrong place and having to get back on. Mind you, we're both freezing (this is CT, in March, with the windows down) I feel like I'm going to die, and SJ is under the pressure of getting her companion to safety before she completely loses it.
As SJ came to a point where there needed to be a lane change, she was unaware of that fact. But our car moved over, right where we needed it to be. Heavenly Father knew SJ was doing her best, and He decided to step in to get us home safe.
The Phone Call
The next day was one of the worst of my entire life. I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and run over by a herd of elephants. I could barely move, so SJ and I had to miss Easter Sunday. It was HORRID. I slept most of the day, then later we went on a walk, knowing I was in no condition to do much else. As we were walking, I was overcome by this desire for someone, ANYONE to call us. I just really wanted our phone to ring. So so badly. I still don't really know why, I probably just wanted proof that someone was aware of how horrid we were feeling. After we got home I cried about this to SJ and she said a prayer that someone would call us.
Less than 3 minutes after we'd said amen, our phone rang. It was our sweet ward mission later and his wife, wanting to pay us a visit. They came over, brought us Easter candy and flowers and just visited for a few minutes. And, oh what a small world, our mission leader had had multiple panic attacks in his life. After that night, I knew, more than I ever had in my life that God is aware of me and that He loves me unconditionally.
The Moral
There's a common theme in both these stories. A mutual factor that, in my opinion, is the real miracle: my dear SJ. That is another testimony that the Lord is truly in control of His work. He knew I would need SJ that night and during the days that followed. He put us together, despite the fact that we were both so new.
It's hard to describe how healing this has been for me; to look at the good things surrounding a time that still haunts me. If we look hard enough we can always find something to be grateful for. That's not a trite, Mormon concept, it really does help us to heal and be made whole.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Animal Tendancies
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Smells Like Success
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Mental Illness Illustrated
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Take Those Pills and Shove It
Monday, March 17, 2014
Piano Talk
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Voice of Reason
Thursday, January 23, 2014
It's 3 am. I need to be expressive. There are a lot of people who've told me I could call them in the middle of the night. But this isn't exactly an emergency...not "wake someone up at 3 am emergency." You see....
I'm happy.
Too happy.
It's making me really really anxious, how good I feel.
So how can I call and wake someone up and have this conversation:
"What's wrong?"
"I'm happy!"
Yeah. Sooooo not happening. But I have learned that writing the blog can have the same effect as expressing myself via conversation.
So here goes:
Reasons I Feel Good
-I had my psychology class tonight. LOVE IT.
-The two main characters on my show have finally gotten together.
-I'm excited about the outfit I have picked out for tomorrow.
-I didn't spend all day writhing in emotional pain.
Possible Explanations for this Unprecedented Bout of Anxiety:
-Fear of the good times ending.
-Trying to navigate uncharted waters. Maybe I'm just anxious because I'm out of my comfort zone. Feeling crappy is what I'm used to.
-I don't feel like myself when I'm like this.
Anyone whose never experienced this feeling is going to be baffled by it...but I have the feeling that I'm not the first person in the world to feel this way.
So neither are you.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Crazy Talk
Tonight as I attempted to swim my troubles away at the gym, I decided to take a page out of Rhianna's book by befriending the monster under my bed and try to get along with the voices inside of my head. Here's what we came up with:
Ralph: Why are we going off meds?
Me: Cause they're not working.
Ralph: But we like popping pills.
Me: Yeah, so??
Ralph: We like it, therefore it's good for us.
Me: Your logic is so twisted.
Ralph: Yeah, so??
Me: We're going drugless Ralph!
Ralph: Here's an idea! Why don't we go out with a bang and take all the stuff we have left over from the last 9 months.
Me: You have the WORST ideas ever. How do we even coexist???
Me: Rosie, how ya doin hon?
Rosie: I miss <insert name here>
Me: Me too dolly, me too.
Rosie: Can't we just talk to them?
Me: Nope, not right now.
Rose: But talking to people we love makes us happy and you say that we should do things that make us happy!!!!!
Me: We have to think about what will make us happy in the long run Rosie dear. And we especially have to think about what's best for <insert name here> You want them to be happy right???
Rosie: YES!
Me: Well that's settled then.
Rain: Dang girl we're doing gooooood!
Me: Yeah?
Rain: Are you serious?? Do you not realize all the positive changes you're making?? We've been off junk and fast food for almost two weeks and we work out every day!
Me: That's true.
Rain: And that's not even mentioning how long we've kept our room clean, or how we haven't let Ralph talk us into hurting ourself!
Me: Huh. Maybe you're right.
Rain: I'm not done yet! You went to a party last night, WITHOUT fake hair, got yourself back in school and didn't even stress out when you got unenrolled due to circumstances outside our control.
Me: Okay okay I get it. I'm definitely headed in the right direction. But...
Rain: But what???
Me: I'm not perfect at any of those things. I make mistakes all the time.
Rain: Ohhhhh come on sister. Once upon a time, you would make a mistake once and then completely give up on the whole endeavor. This is the longest you've ever stuck with healthy habits and I am so proud of you!
Me: You do realize it's only going to get harder from here right? Coming off the meds entirely is going to be a real nightmare.
Rain: I know. But we're ready.
Me: Why are you always right?
Rain: Cause I'm a smarter version of you!
Low lows rear their ugly faces, but let me tell you:
The highs just keep getting higher my friends.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Having a panic disorder doesn't just mean that I have panic attacks. Another really fun (read: sarcasm) side effect is that my ability to deal with difficult situations is greatly diminished. Combine this with the psych med I was on (other people have done crazy things on it) and it's pretty much a bomb just waiting for a spark.
My bomb got a spark.
One I was not expecting.
And I shaved my head.
Talk about a wake up call.
This episode refocused me like nothing else could. I got back to work on myself.
Miss Cathy and I identified the core beliefs I had about myself that were not, and are not, true.
They were fraught with cognitive distortions. So I rewrote them. I was then left with several factual statements that helped me understand myself better.
False Fact: I'm crazy.
True Fact: I'm exuberant.
Falsity: I'm worthless without romantic love.
Truth: Heavenly Father loves me, I'm priceless in His eyes, no matter what. His love is unconditional.
BS: I'm afraid of pain, it's always going to be that way.
Truth: Courage is not the absence of fear. It's the belief that something else is more important than fear. Pain helps me grow. Growth is more important than fear.
Miss Kathy: Do you believe that?
Me: Of course I do! It has a Princess Diaries quote in it!
Slowly but surely, I'm making these truths, and others like them, part of my thinking and belief system.
They come in handy when I need to talk to myself.
Last night I was anticipating another spark. One that, had it come a week previously, would've caused another explosion of mass proportions.
But I'd changed a lot that week.
So as I waited for the spark, I had a little chat with myself.
"We may be getting some bad news pretty soon. If it happens, we are going. to.be. fine. It will not be cause for another break down. We will not hurt ourselves. We'll be hurting enough. But it will be okay. This is not going to change the way we view ourselves. It will not change our beliefs about the world around us. We will grieve, put on a brave face and go on. Or...we may be worrying for nothing, and the news won't be bad after all."
The news was bad.
It did not cause a catastrophe.
It caused a lot of tears. No worries there, crying is an excellent release.
I won't lie. I'm proud of myself. This event is evidence of real growth. Just a small glimpse of the greatness that is to come.
That, my friends, is why it pays to talk to yourself. And not just to talk, but to be open and honest. Run your thoughts about yourself by someone who truly cares about you, and find out if they're really true.
If not, it's time for a serious rewrite.