Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I Believe

Today Pandora bestowed a gift upon me.
In the form of a song of course.
Christina Perri has always been my homegirl, but today I literally felt like she was singing my life.

So without further ado...
I Believe by Christina Perri
Interpreting the Life of Natalie Lewis

I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave
When I was in 6th grade, my sister started teaching me a profound lesson that I am still learning to this day. "What people think of you doesn't matter, only what God thinks and what you think of yourself." Over the past few years, this has especially come in handy. I don't have to lay down and take the abuse that people try to dish out. I don't have to sucker punch them either. That's the beauty of it. 

I believe in the lost possibilities you can see
I look back at things I really wanted. I see now that I won't get them.
And I am so grateful.

‘Cause I have been where you are before
And I have felt the pain of losing who you are
And I have died so many times, but I am still alive

I've said it before and I'll say it again: one of the threeish perks of getting sick has been the comfort and validation I've been able to give others. I can look at someone who is basically feeling the same way I was 18 months ago and remind them there is hope.

 I wish that you could see your scars turn into beauty
Take my hair as an object lesson for this one. The trials we face, the battle scars we obtain, shape us and give depth to our inner and outer beauty.

 I believe that today it’s okay to be not okay
There is NOTHING wrong with having a bad day. You do not need to feel guilty for feeling sad. Just take it one day, or hour, or minute at a time. Ride the wave, you'll end up on the beach eventually.


  1. Nat I love you! Miss you we need to hang out soon

  2. Natalie, you are always going to be one of my favorite humans. This is pretty beautiful, darling. <3
