Monday, August 4, 2014

Dang it! Be NICE!

Fun Fact: Messages written from old trauma determine the way we see current trauma.

Mr. T and I are currently working our way through my trauma egg (basically it's a big oval filled with pictures that represents past experiences) and as I tell each story, we determine what I learned-positive and negative-from that experience. 

So we started today's session by talking about my most current issue: losing my job. 
The big problem with that was the messages that were being written in my mind.

When we got into the trauma egg, I realized that messages written in my head at say..age 10 are still alive and well, effecting the way I view myself and operate today. 

We have to be SO CAREFUL about how we talk to ourselves. One destructive thought breeds another, which breeds another and makes us downright miserable.


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