Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Take Those Pills and Shove It

Last night I was trying to sleep.
Trying being the operative word.
I tossed, I turned, and I started to ache.
My chest does this really cute thing where it starts to swell with pain to the point of explosion.
It's like...totes torture.
So Ralph is like:
"Oh heeeey girl! I know how to make this ish stop!"
"Super! Spill."
"See that pill bottle over there?"
"Well...it's dark so...no."
"Well it's there. Chug those pills."
"That's a bad idea."
"Not really."
"That could really really hurt me."
"So I care about myself and the people who love me too much to do something like that."
"It'll make it go away homie..."
It's at this point that I realize it's time to talk to someone whose life-goal isn't to make me self-destruct.
So I started scrollin through my phone...
And just the distraction of trying to decide who to call was enough to pull me out of my personal hell.
Then I chatted with Hoven for a few minutes, which is always a dream, and I was finally able to fall asleep.
Going to see the Witch Doctor tomorrow.
Should be most enlightening!

1 comment:

  1. I have had many of these nights myself in past years, and I hope you know that you are not alone in your struggles. Things may seem pretty bleak right now, but I can promise you from personal experience that they do get better! Everyday and every struggle will help you to grow stronger. You will one day look back on these days with gratefulness to Heavenly Father that he let you go through these trials because in the end it has made you to better understand how to be loving, more compassionate, and humble. In essence these trials will help you become more like the Savior, and isn't that our ultimate goal in this life? Know that people love you and pray for you!
