Thursday, January 23, 2014


It's 3 am. I need to be expressive. There are a lot of people who've told me I could call them in the middle of the night. But this isn't exactly an emergency...not "wake someone up at 3 am emergency." You see....

I'm happy.

Too happy.

It's making me really really anxious, how good I feel.

So how can I call and wake someone up and have this conversation:

"What's wrong?"
"I'm happy!"

Yeah. Sooooo not happening. But I have learned that writing the blog can have the same effect as expressing myself via conversation.

So here goes:

Reasons I Feel Good
-I had my psychology class tonight. LOVE IT.
-The two main characters on my show have finally gotten together.
-I'm excited about the outfit I have picked out for tomorrow.
-I didn't spend all day writhing in emotional pain.

Possible Explanations for this Unprecedented Bout of Anxiety:
-Fear of the good times ending.
-Trying to navigate uncharted waters. Maybe I'm just anxious because I'm out of my comfort zone. Feeling crappy is what I'm used to.
-I don't feel like myself when I'm like this.

Anyone whose never experienced this feeling is going to be baffled by it...but I have the feeling that I'm not the first person in the world to feel this way.

So neither are you.


  1. Enjoy your happy moments! Hopefully they will become more than "moments" and more full time! We love you Nat:)

  2. Oh and yes ... your not alone. I've been there and know what it feels like! Kinda crazy. Years ago the down-ness (if thats a word) last a long long time. One day I woke up and felt crazy happy. I loaded my kids in the car (by myself) and went to Disneyland. I enjoyed the happiness feeling for quite a few days. Was nice! So indulge in something nice for yourself and enjoy your day:)

  3. I have a 3 hour time difference from you, so I am more than likely awake this late. Feel free to call me because I am here for you to listen to any conversation you would like to have. I hope the happy moments continue :)
