Friday, September 13, 2013

My Glue

So once upon a time, my meds sucked.
So I was taken off them.
And now I'm a wreck.
It's super.

Things That Are Currently Holding Me Together

•Humor, specifically from B, my favorite work buddy. Seriously. I walked into the office this morning barely holding it together and left with a huge smile upon my face.

•Physical movement. Couldn't stay at the gym very long. Just couldn't take it. But then I took the car home and walked and walked. Then jogged home. Cleared my head quite satisfactorily.

•Prayer. I don't care what it is that you believe in: God, Allah, Bhudda, The Great Spirit, whatever it is. The knowledge that there is something bigger than yourself who is in control is an inexpressible comfort. Reach out to something in your time of need, you will be taken care of. Not necessarily right in that moment, but you will never be left alone. All things will work out for your good, just keep on trucking.

•Food. The good stuff. Lots and lots of it.

I believe in miracles. 

If they didn't happen, I wouldn't be here still, and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now despite my trials.

Figure out what will hold you together and keep on moving.


  1. Ask your doc about Abilify it has made me a new person

  2. Such a wonderful post, Nat Nat! You truly are amazing. <3
