Wednesday, September 11, 2013

An Ode: I Do

Do you have a place you can go where your mind feels safe and you can breakdown, be understood and built up?

I do.

Do you have a friend who hears you hyperventilating on the toilet and walks into the bathroom to check on you, regardless of the fact that your drawers are dropped?

I do.

Do you have a long list of people you can call in the middle of the night to talk you out of hurting yourself?

I do.

Do you have a bosom friend who knows what you need better than you do?

I do.

Do you have a cousin who discovered that making you laugh stops your panic attacks?

I do.

Do you have people who love you enough to forgive your monster-ness?

I do.

Do you have a family, immediate and extended, that rallies around you in messy moments?

I do.

Do you have a ton of faces to call to your memory when your Ralph says "What's the point?"

I do.

Do you have a ward family that envelopes you in faith and love?

I do.

Do you have so many people that you're grateful for that you can't even fit them all in one blogpost? 

I do.


  1. so glad that you see how much you are loved! I love your openness in your writings. You are real
    your favorite aunt
    ( now go ask your dad for a dollar)

  2. Yes, you do. Doesn't it feel awesome? We never have to go through anything hard alone! xoxo
