Friday, September 20, 2013

Humans Say the Darndest Things

•"You're not as skinny as I thought you'd be.

•"Does your new medicine make you hyper?"

•"We need to work on this ego thing of yours."

•"You need to lose weight."

•"Whatever it is that you have, I bet you can't spell or pronounce it."

•"You lost sight of yourself when you were six years old."

•"You need to get on medication."

•"Your face is big enough to land a plane on."

•"Your walk makes you look like a guy."


  1. I have an intense desire to be the personal trainer for all of the people who said these things. That way I won't feel guilty when I bring the pain.

  2. Yes your medicine makes you hyper! I will pass I promise. Take it in the morning so you can sleep at night.

  3. I have always been amazed at what people feel comfortable saying to others, especially when they know it's not positive, kind, or helful.
    I remember all the cool kids coming up to me at recess and me be excited they were going to be my friends. The most popular girl asked me to look up to the sky. I did, willingly for my "new friends." I then heard her say, "I told you her nose looks like a pig's." Then I watched them walk away never to return.
    I also remember times where I could barely get out of bed and deal with life and then being told by a family member that I lacked faith, that my "routine" was getting old, and I needed to get over myself.
    As painful and as devastating as these things were, I was never alone. Neither are you. Yes, you have amazing family, friends, ward, community, Pres.Obama....but your Heavenly Father and your Savior have ALWAYS been close when you've needed them, and have let you know this through the Spirit. Stay close to these all-knowing and eternal Friends: who are always right, kind, and know your path and can help you continue on, no matter what anyone says!
    By the way, I love you, you're beautiful, and I don't care what anyone else says, I KNOW you're doing amazing right now. xoxo

