Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Crisis Averted

So once upon a time, Miss Kathy gave me the phone number to a 24 hour crisis line, just in case. Supposedly there would always be someone to talk to. 

Last night, or should I say this morning, I was in the middle of a Natalie Crisis. I got up and called the number. No answer. I try again. A girl answers. "Is this the crisis line?" "No." "Sorry, wrong number."

Crisis NOT averted. 

Time to call my one of my personal crisis lines. In hindsight I realize that I have a list miles of long of people I could call. But in the moment, only one name came to mind that made sense. So I called my Hoven.

2:45 am? No sweat. First she reminded me that the things Ralph wanted to make me do were not good ideas and had me list things I'm grateful for. Then she made me breathe while I panicked. Finally, a beautiful distraction in the form of stories from her love life was brought to pass. 

I fell asleep soon after hanging up with Hoven and was awoken this morning by Mary rubbing my back. Not a bad gig eh?

We had just been talking about good friends that night during family home evening, thank goodness I have plenty of those!

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