Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm Allowed to Whine, It's My Blog

Today I was planning on posting about the Evolution of the Miracle (According to Natalie).
But that's not happening. Why not?
The above picture describes my mood today. 
So instead, I'm going to give you an opportunity to silently judge me.
You're welcome!
Up to this point, I've just told the story...not much to judge there. But now you can. 
Cause I'm going to whine.
Had a horrible dream last night. 

My mission president was making me drive to a cemetery full of people who had committed suicide.
Only people who had taken their own life were allowed in this cemetery.
As I was driving us there, I got flashed by 3 traffic cameras and my mission president announced that I now had to pay for 3 tickets.
It was bad news.

So I woke up feeling horrid. 
Then I got moving, that helped.
Then my mentor/Do-terra goddess, Amanda, gave me my weekly aroma touch and I felt a smidge better.
But I have a feeling I'll be up and down today.

The worst part is that I have coping skills, things I could do to snap out of it. 
But I have NO DESIRE to use those skills.
It's an issue.

Oh it's also SJ's birthday. So I'm pining for her and for the mission.

Commence judging: now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not judging! I am just proud of you that as soon as you get those feelings, you write on your blog!
    I know you can do this Natalie, you are STRONG!!!!
