Saturday, May 9, 2015

We've Got the Answers

So you do something that's really hard.
Something you didn't think was possible.
And you're like
But like...that thing you did, it didn't solve all your problems.

But you keep plugging along, acting like it did. 
You take your med, and only text your therapist so he can remind you not to do stupid things.
Then one day you realize:

I'm feeling unnecessarily horrible.
These feelings are preventable.
I've dealt with them before.
When my Self-Care Game was so strong.

It's time to make that happen again.
So I need to redefine what Self Care for Natalie means.
Let's start with what it's not:


Yes, I do need to indulge and pity myself. More frequently than you'd guess.
However, those are ingredients, not the whole freakin' recipe.

The best metaphor I've come up with is parenting.
I have the capability to parent myself-to do that really, really well.

Sometimes, a parent says, "Natalie, you've had a crazy week. Let's go shopping."
Other times they say, "That sucked. So bad. I'm so sorry you found yourself in this situation."
And still other times, "Alright champ, get that chin up, we're going to take this one step at a time."

Slowly but surely, I'm learning that sometimes the answer is "Yes" and sometimes it's "No."
But the best part is, between me and God, we've always got the answers.

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