Once Upon a Time...
There were some awesome kids. Like seriously, they were a great time. They had an aunt serving a mission and would send her beautiful pictures. One day, thesekids found out that their "Nat Nat" was very sick. Not doing well at all. These angels decided to fast for her. They 'd never fasted for 24 hours before. But they did that time. For their Nat Nat.

After Nat Nat cut her hair, she didn't exactly look like herself. The big kids wanted to make sure that Parker would still know who Nat Nat was, so they sat him down and gave him a little lesson about how Nat Nat just didn't have hair anymore, but she was still Nat Nat.

Nat Nat used to be all about finding "Happily Ever After." But these days, the goal is to "Live after the manner of happiness."
And these peeps make it a whole lot easier.
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