Sunday, May 31, 2015

Heroes: Shmadeleine Rose

This little angel has my middle name.
Which is really great.
She also likes to make visits with me.
Which is also really great.
She also chooses to attend funerals of her own volition.
Which is astounding because she's like...6.

So we're at this funeral and I'm terrified that I won't be able to make it through my musical number without weeping.
It was a ROUGH funeral.
Well, it was beautiful. 
But rough for me.

Anywho, it's my turn so I grab Shmaddie's hand and have her come up to the stand with me.
She stood next to me the entire time, our hands clasped.
She didn't even have to start singing the words from me.
She gave me strength that I really needed.

Thanks Shmaddiecakes.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Heroes: The J-Money Kids

Once Upon a Time...
There were some awesome kids. Like seriously, they were a great time. They had an aunt serving a mission and would send her beautiful pictures. One day, thesekids found out that their "Nat Nat" was very sick. Not doing well at all. These angels decided to fast for her. They 'd never fasted for 24 hours before. But they did that time. For their Nat Nat.
 Abigail, Avery and Nat Nat all auditioned for a play. Abigail and Nat Nat were cast in lead roles. Avery got put in the ensemble. When she heard the news of her part, her exclamation was, "I get to be with Nat Nat!"

After Nat Nat cut her hair, she didn't exactly look like herself. The big kids wanted to make sure that Parker would still know who Nat Nat was, so they sat him down and gave him a little lesson about how Nat Nat just didn't have hair anymore, but she was still Nat Nat.

Rain is Nat Nat's favorite thing ever. So when a freak rainstorm hit Mesa and she didn't have to go to work, Nat Nat spent the day in the rain with the J-Crew. Sometimes rain could make Nat Nat a little wistful for things she didn't have yet, or memories of rain from her mission. But on this day, she was swept up in the love and joy of these fabulous humans.

Nat Nat used to be all about finding "Happily Ever After." But these days, the goal is to "Live after the manner of happiness." 
And these peeps make it a whole lot easier.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Heroes: Mah

Mom's like to fix things.
It's what they do.
They see a problem, and they fix it.

But what about when your kid comes home early from their mission?
What about when that kid is constantly moving around because that's the only way to not panic?
What about when she cuts off all her hair?

There are no quick fixes for issues such as these.

Sometimes you have to Beatle it out and just LET IT BE.
But that doesn't mean you turn your back on the problem.
On the contrary, you're there, arms outstretched, just in case someone decides to fall into them.

My mama gets this.
Over the past two years she's been my constant.
Constantly there if I need something.
Constantly supporting me in whatever I choose to do.

But not trying to fix.
She lets me feel what I'm feeling.
Lets me go through my process.
Only stepping in when asked.

That couldn't have been easy. 
Who wants to watch their kid suffer?

But my mom has faith in Christ.
And she has faith in me.

My mom loves Christ.
And she loves me.

And that's made all the difference.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Heroes: Cute Gym Guy

Today's featured hero doesn't have a name, just a title: 
Cute Gym Guy.
He used to work at 24 and I'd see him several times a week at the front desk.
After I'd log in, he'd greet me by name, smile his ADORABLE smile and my dormant heart would pitter pat a little bit.
A week or two went by and he'd greet me by name when I walked through the door.
And did I mention how darling his smile was???

Annnnyway...this was at a time in my life when I was very unhappy with my body and...everything else. long story short; my confidence was at an all time low.
Speaking to male humans was not something I did.
So looking back, these small interactions with Cute Gym Guy are a very big deal to me.
The little things he did had a large impact on a girl who really really needed it.

Thanks Cute Gym Guy. Thanks a million.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The other day, I got a blessing.
One piece of counsel I received was to read uplifting, meaningful literature.
So I decided that I would rekindle my love for biographies.
I found a book at the good ol' MPL called "Heroes For My Daughter" by Brad Meltzer.
Every page has a picture and blurb about a hero he wants his daughter to learn from.
I learned about peeps like Abraham Lincoln, Sally Ride, the lady who created Sesame Street and the dude who hired Jackie Robinson.
Each person only got like a page.
Brad picked specific things about each person to share.
The point being that he wanted to highlight specific traits for his little girl.

The book got me thinking.
I have no shortage of heroes in my life.
I could write a book about each of them.
But Brad's technique spoke powerfully to me.

So I've decided to dedicate a blog post to each of my heroes.
I'll barely be able to scratch the surface of their greatness, but I'll highlight one or two specific things they've done or exemplified that have helped me through the last two years of my life.

First on the line up is my niece Junie.
That's right. One of my greatest heroes is a 2 year old.
June is not just any 2 year old.
She has a sixth sense.
You know how horses and dogs can relate to peeps with special needs? Sense them?
Junie's like that with mental illness.

One night she was asleep and I was babysitting.
I started to panic.
Feeling pretty horrible.
And she woke up.
And let me hold her.
For like an hour.
She knew I needed her.

Junie knows when I'm in a funk.
She'll come sit on my lap and cuddle the crankies out of me.
She has a gift.

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I've become one of her favorite people over the past year.
She comes to me first.
She wants me to do things for her instead of anyone else.
Junie chooses me.
That is validating.

On those occasions when I feel like more trouble than I'm worth, I can remember that Junie adores me.
So I must not be all that bad.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

We've Got the Answers

So you do something that's really hard.
Something you didn't think was possible.
And you're like
But like...that thing you did, it didn't solve all your problems.

But you keep plugging along, acting like it did. 
You take your med, and only text your therapist so he can remind you not to do stupid things.
Then one day you realize:

I'm feeling unnecessarily horrible.
These feelings are preventable.
I've dealt with them before.
When my Self-Care Game was so strong.

It's time to make that happen again.
So I need to redefine what Self Care for Natalie means.
Let's start with what it's not:


Yes, I do need to indulge and pity myself. More frequently than you'd guess.
However, those are ingredients, not the whole freakin' recipe.

The best metaphor I've come up with is parenting.
I have the capability to parent myself-to do that really, really well.

Sometimes, a parent says, "Natalie, you've had a crazy week. Let's go shopping."
Other times they say, "That sucked. So bad. I'm so sorry you found yourself in this situation."
And still other times, "Alright champ, get that chin up, we're going to take this one step at a time."

Slowly but surely, I'm learning that sometimes the answer is "Yes" and sometimes it's "No."
But the best part is, between me and God, we've always got the answers.