Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One Step

I am currently working really hard on not doing something stupid. Ralph loves for me to call FTH, and not say anything. So I just listen to him say hello a few times.

This is so not healthy.

Which is why I'm endeavoring to distract myself.

Today has been crazy busy. On days such as these, I can generally hold it together.

Yeah...not so much today.

However, I'm not gonna use that as an excuse. Ralph tries to convince me that after a day like today, the only thing to do is self destruct.

He couldn't be more wrong. The only thing to do is keep moving forward.

One foot at a time.

1 comment:

  1. hang tight NatRat you can do it! you have sooo many of us pulling for you and praying for you. You are a super star, not a celebrity because celebrities a. don't have people praying for them and b. their light goes out with time.. yours stays bright because of the love and angels that surround you.
    now go ask your dad for a dollar
