Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Sunscreen Metaphor

One of the best things about therapy is that you're in a safe place.
You can leave your inhibitions, fronts and whatever other crap you're carting around at the door.
It's a place where you can be open and honest with yourself.
Honesty with oneself, generally leads to brain waves which then lead to self discovery.
Here's the one I had the other day:

Truth: Humans need connection with other humans.
Truth: Healthy connection is only possible when healthy boundaries are in place.

Allowing myself to be open and available for connection is like going out into the sunshine.
Healthy boundaries are sunscreen.
Sun burn is the bad/sad/unhappy feelings I have when I connect without boundaries.

So lately, I've been feeling pretty sunburned.
But instead of putting on my sunscreen. (healthy boundaries)
I've just stayed in my house all day. (metaphorically)

I've been consciously avoiding lots of opportunities to connect myself with other people because I'm sick of getting burnt. 

But think about it, the sun gives us life.
Vitamin d or q or whatever it is.
Connection gives us life.
It's why God put us all on one earth together.

When I don't get connection, my mind and body seek ways to feel that need: pseudo-connection. These quick fix remedies feel good in the moment but then leave me to crash and burn.

The remedy?
Lots of sunscreen.
Healthy boundaries = healthy relationships.
Healthy relationships =healthy Natalie.

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