Monday, March 4, 2019

Change the Channel

As a teenager I started to have really weird thoughts that made me question who I was as a person. A very trusted advisor told me that my mind was like a stage and I got to choose which actors I allowed on the stage. This advice served me well for a very long time.

But just recently I've found a metaphor that works even better for me. My brain is like a TV. I don't always get to choose what comes on, but I do have the power to change the channel.

This has been very important for me because I have a tendency to beat myself up about the crazy thoughts that sometimes come into my mind. But, just like daytime TV I don't control the programming. Just what I watch.

So if you're like me and you feel guilty for thinking weird or upsetting things, remember it's not your fault.

Just change the channel.

Which may be easier said than done. But keep that mental remote control handy. Have something uplifting in the DVR ready to go.

And most importantly remember that what's on TV doesn't make you who you are, it's what you choose to watch.

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