Friday, December 4, 2015

Real or Not Real

One of the really special things about my brain is that I can't watch a movie or show without it messing with my mind. I'll start thinking like one of the characters, or when it's really severe, I start to confuse things about them with myself. 

I had such an experience the other night and was having a hard time sleeping as a result. So Steven suggested we play a game of Real or Not Real. 

(This is taken from Mockingjay. When Peeta gets his brain hijacked, he asks his friends things he's not sure about and they tell him if something is Real or Not Real.)
As Steven sent me these questions. I was able to come back to earth, so to speak. Come back to myself. To differentiate between fiction and reality.
Just because I need these reminders does not mean I'm a crazy person. It means my mind is very impressionable. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It makes learning much easier. My brain is malleable, and as long as it's in the right hands, the potential is endless.
So just remember, it's okay to get confused. Whatever you're feeling or thinking is OKAY. Why? Because that's how it is.
 Your power is endless. Start by accepting you. Then make choices, and encourage thoughts that are Real and uplifting.


  1. Steven rocks. I'm going to copy you and play this game because my brain really struggles with this as well
