Friday, May 27, 2016

One Choice at a Time

Say what you will about BYU-I, this place has been all kinds of good for me.
One of the many blessings I've received from going here is free therapy.
I've been seeing Brudda Hman for about a month now and let me just say, this guy is exactly who I need right now. 
My personal opinion is that the best therapists don't try to change you.
The very best ones simply hold the space and act as a guide for you to do your work and change yourself.
Brudda Hman does that.

Something I love that he does is he'll be mid sentence and then say:
"No, the spirit is telling me to rephrase that."
So he does and what he ends up saying is always exactly what I need to hear.
I'm so grateful that homey is worthy to receive and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Each week I've met with him, he's taught me something new and given me something to practice:

Week 1: I am powerless. And that's okay. I get to make choices.

I'm a control freak.
Anyone who knows me personally is, I'm sure, super shocked to hear that news.
*wink wink, nod nod*
There are things in my life that I can't control.
Correction: There are A LOT of things in my life that I can't control.

There are lots of moments when I have to remind myself that I'm powerless.
But the important part of this is what comes next:
It's okay! 
I get to make choices. 
All I have to do is make the best choice possible, take a deep breath and carry one.
Which, real talk, is much easier said than done.

Some days, I literally have to take it one choice at a time.
"Okay, I choose to open my eyes even though I don't feel ready to face today."
"Great! Now I choose to skim through Instagram so that I can wake up."
"Excellent, now I choose to get out of bed."

One choice at a time.
That's how I make it through my hardest days.