Monday, April 7, 2014

A Day of Birth

Today is my 21st birthday.
Woo hoo.
It's gotten me thinking about the last year of my life quite a bit.
Everything that's gone down...
It's a mixed bag.
On the one hand, this has been the hardest year of my life to date.
I've also seen remarkable miracles, especially within myself.
That's nice.
Really nice.
Let's take a look at the goodness shall we?
20 Great Things that Happened in my 20th Year
1. Once upon a time I was walking through Sky Harbor Airport, home, 13 1/2 months earlier than I'd originally planned. I started to panic. Bad. Shaking, hyperventilating, the works. As I got closer to the edge of the gate, I saw a sight for sore eyes: my mom and my sisters. The panic dissipated, and being home, for the first time, looked like a good thing.
2. I left a ward party early because it was swarming with missionaries. As I was about to dissolve into a puddle of tears, a dear friend of mine just happened to be driving down my street. Puddle crisis averted.
3. Another puddle crisis almost happened the very next day when, whaddya know, two of my best friends showed up at my house just as I was about to lose it.
4. I started singing again. Taking that voice class at MCC was one of the best decisions I made all year.
5. I began writing this blog. Therapy at it's finest.
6. I learned that having a mental health problem is not something to be ashamed of. It's just a part of me, like my dark hair and blue eyes.
7. BUT that doesn't mean it has to be my defining characteristic.
8. I strengthened my relationships with my nieces and nephews.
9. I trained for and ran a sprint triathlon in less than my goal time.
10. I got my first full time job.
11. I got teach my activity day girls about true beauty. (A bald head is a great object lesson)
12. I went back to school.
13. I learned that when you've hit rock bottom, the only way to look is...UP.
14. I became a mother to an adorable hamster. She taught me to like animals again. (RIP Stella)
15. I got back on stage. Having a lead role in Saturday's Warrior was more healing than I could ever tell you.
16. The pieces of my personality have started falling back into place.
17.  I fell off a back, jacked my back, and got it fixed.
18. I learned how to control (for the most part) my panic attacks.
19. I've learned the skill of smiling when it's a necessity and crying when it's a luxury.
20. I'm still Natalie, not the same one...but she's still pretty great.
Here's to another year of growth.
Come at me 21!!!